Friday, November 12, 2010

...I had an epiphany in my coffee

I’m at work, taking a break from what it is I do (web design wage slave), and getting my daily dose of “what’s going on in comics, film, and video games”. I do this everyday, to renew my inspiration and enthusiasm, which normally happens while I’m at work...

important aside: I’ll tell you about the significance of that statement later, for now, let’s get back to the epiphany.

...So, as I was saying, I’m at work, projecting my mind to the day when the work I do on a daily basis, will be the work I love to do now, in my spare-time - Comics, Films, and Videogames.

That’s when it hits me...

There are literally MILLIONS of people, energetically, and oft times frantically, working towards the same goals as I. They engage in the same rituals, recite the same mantras, seek out the same inspirational tidbits, and dream of the same same, ambrosia filled grail.

Then I wonder. What makes me different? How is my dream any more or less golden, what is it about me, that makes me shine brighter than the rest? What gives me a luster, that few others have, or will ever hope to have?

Now in the private moments of our own minds, we do one of two things, and I firmly believe this. One, we’re brutally honest, and have thoughts unmarred with past regret or issue. And two, we have thoughts based on learned behavior, past triumphs, and failures, consciously ignoring past regret and issue.

And that was the birth of my epiphany for today, and it is as follows....

It doesn’t matter what makes me different, I bought the ticket, I’m taking the ride, I’m having fun, and I’m not getting off until I’m good and ready.

End Epiphany.

Monday, November 8, 2010

It's just so damned exciting.

On October 10, 2010, I attended my second day of the New York Comic-Con. It was the last day of the con, and I was determined to not have that day end, without accomplishing a few goals.

Goal #1 - Meet Mark Waid, and Sean Gordon Murphy

Goal #2 - Meet a comic artist legend (or two).

Goal #3 - Talk with C.B. Cebulski.

Goal #1: Meet Mark Waid, and Sean Gordon Murphy

The connecting theme in meeting with both Mark Waid, and man who's writing I've followed, but never thought I'd get a chance to meet. And Sean Gordon Murphy, an artist who I had no knowledge of until very recent. His work makes me redefine what I want to accomplish as an artist. I dig people who challenge me, and his work is the first time in a long time, where I feel challenged. And meeting Mark Waid, an icon, and a real down to earth guy. Apart from sputtering like a leaky radiator, I gave him my card, and I will stalk him forever, because he challenges me as well.

Goal #2: Meet a comic artist legend (or two)

I met Joe Kubert. Those are simple words to type, and in that simplicity, lies greatness. Let me type it again...I MET JOE KUBERT!! Icon of icons, a living, breathing working, legend in the comic industry. This man has done it (literally) all! From superheroes, to true life tales, he draws, inks, writes, instructs, inspires, and puts to shame many in the industry today. I can't say enough about him. I spoke with him briefly, and his answers were short, concise, and perfect. He's the man. And I also met Bob "Freakin" Layton, the man who truly defined the look of "The Invincible IRON-MAN". You cannot look back over the course of IRON-MAN, and not see the genius of this man's work, in the evolution of the character, in both look, and the stylized nature, of his signature armor. He's down to earth, really funny, and still a very vital force in the industry, who is now venturing into feature films.

Goal #3: Talk with C.B. Cebulski

This was the one that I was the most anxious about. i wouldn't say nervous, because there wasn't any fear involved, but anxious because of who the man is, and who/what he represents. Now, i do not want to give the impression, that he's anything more than a man. From meeting him, and following his Eataku and Chesterfest blogs, he's the kind of guy you could hang out, grab beer, a spicy Szechuan fish taco, and talk endlessly about comics with...he also just happens to be Marvel Comics premier talent scout. That, and the fact that drawing for Marvel has been a long postponed dream of mine, for as long as I could remember. It was the very reason (that and starting a blues/rock group) was the reason I moved to NYC.

So, I met the guy, talked to him, shared a laugh, and he gave me his card, told me when I've got something to show him, he'd be happy to see it. Now when I say, that when I left that venue, you could not touch me... I mean you could not TOUCH me! I was ordained, I was made of celestial stuff, I was like a herald of Galactus, and no one could tell me different. Now, its not so much because of the man, who was gracious, jovial, friendly and patient. But because it touched the heart of a 10 yr old kid, who made paper cutouts of Iron-Man, Captain America, The Black Panther, and concocted fantastic adventures in the quiet of his room.

The kid who used to do that, who is still alive and kick-flipping inside of me, striving to not only be a good writer, but a better artist. That kid, will one day say "I draw comic books for Marvel"!

Nuff said.