Friday, January 21, 2011

DISCLAIMER - Hate to do it, but It must be done.

This is happening so soon in the existence of the blog, that I'm not sure many have noticed. So this the best time to get this bit out of the way....

I am NOT directing a movie for Marvel Studios., And I am certainly not directing IR3. This blog is my Manifest Destiny, my glimpse into the hopefully not too distant future, where I will be directing films for that illustrious house of ideas. I decided to write this blog as a production journal to, if only in my imagination, run my own film shoot.

While I in real life, plan/shoot the series of Marvel inspired short films. All of which are being written, directed, shot, edited, and anything else, by yours truly.

I think that there are lightening bolts of inspiration, motivation, and enlightenment, that hit you so hard, your senses register them as soft, silent epiphanies. But upon reflection, you realize that you were just smacked on your ass, by the most primal force, the "Off your ass and do something" force.

I'm not sure if it has a proper name, derived from greek roots, and lovingly bastardized over the millennia, it is as simply put, as "you bet your ass" or, "OMG". It's modest frame, and simple construction, only serve its awesome power. And it was and is that power that pushes me to write/plan/dream, and now do.

To make these shorts, write these screenplays, create those comics, and yes, even write an imaginary blog, about a non-existent Marvel film, that I'm NOT (I must make that perfectly clear, so as to not raise the ire of the company I'm eager to work for - common sense) directing.

This is my goal, this is my quest, I shall not be deterred. Now back to your regularly scheduled mild chicanery.

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